January 25, 2011

Russell James Photography Contest

I love Photography and I love following the Blogs and Social Networking sites of uber famous Photogs.
Russell James www.facebook.com/RussellJames (aka Mr.Victoria Secret) hosts a photo contest via his Facebook page, that is open to all.
Basically every few weeks he posts a category of his choosing, as well as a few of his own photos as an example.... Then it is a total free for all!
It is crazy the amount of submissions......
So the week of Christmas I entered (my very first photo contest) a few photos into the current contest that was categorized as "Extreme Close Up".
To my surprise I made the finals!!
I could not believe that my Photo was one of the 30 finalist…. 

This photo was taken in my front yard a few hours before the deadline to submit a photo. I had no idea what I wanted to do in regards to a photo… So I just started taking pics of whatever caught my eye. 
This particular photo is a safety clip provided by GVEC as a way to prevent people from tampering with their electrical meter. Which I find ironic ...... We own our house, we pay the electrical company,  yet they have the equivalent of  a lock box our property..... that they don't pay rent for.........

Regardless I was stoked that I was the one of the 30 finalist out of shay 1000 or more submissions. 
So this week the category was "Swim"... The exact post was......

"TAKE YOUR BEST SHOT COMPETITION. With all this talk about islands and sunsets and the very tough winter in the US and Europe I feel the next 'Take Your Best Shot' category should be 'SWIM’. Show me your best swim shots that can be anything to do with the water, the beach, the pool, the kids splashing in a pond. If the shot says ‘SWIM’ it is eligible. Winner of this category will receive a copy of both my retrospective book and my most recent book 'V2' book. Am posting a swim shot that played a big role in changing the direction of my career many years ago. ENTRIES CLOSE SATURDAY 22 JAN NOON NYC."

I am still waiting to see the finalist .... in the meantime here is my submission for the latest category.


1 comment:

  1. And once again, you submitted a terrific photo! I am amazed at how many people submit their photos AFTER the deadline has passed. As if he has the time to review...

    I too, submitted my photos. It is always good to see the others' work.

    Pawparazzi Photography
